Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Hope and Love of the Human Spirit; I am Off to Brunch...

With each passing night things seem to get a little more risque around here...

Anyway, who the heck has much time to sit around and blog this weekend? I must tell you, with everything going on, it has been difficult to take the time...

So, yesterday, a big treat was had by all who made it over to the best little theatre in town... the Danoja Zho Cultural Centre of the Tr'ondek Hwech'in (the First Nation). I had the chance to sit back and relax and take in the "First Eyes" Program, consisting of 12 excellent films including the comical Tsi tkahetayen (The Garden) and Poi Dogs, which was shot in Hawaii. Other highlights included two films from Old Crow: one by Mary Jane Moses (who was in attendance), teaching us how to set rabbit snares; and another one about the importance and practicality of dogsled culture, by Erika Tizya-Tramm, who unfortunately was not able to join us in Dawson for the fest. The program ended off with a rather disturbing film called "Jacob", set in 1940s Australia, which reminded us of the sometimes brutal origins of today's multi-racial reality, while at the same time showing us that the hope and love of the human spirit transcends this thing we call race...

So, more later, right now I am off to the brunch being offered by the local French Cultural Association because I'm FAMISHED...

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